Eilis O'Connell British, b. 1953
14 5/8 x 14 5/8 x 13 3/4 in
Eilis O' Connell was born in Derry, Northern Ireland, she studied sculpture at the Crawford School of Art, Cork and the Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, U.S.A. She was granted research fellowships at The British School at Rome and P.S.I. in New York. A two-year residency at Delfina Studios London in 1988 resulted in her permanent move there until 2002. She returned to live in Ireland, exhibits abroad and works on commissions for both public and private locations.
O'Connell has shown at the Venice, Paris and Sao Paolo Biennales and her small sculptures were shown at the Guggenheim Museum in Venice. In 2018 her outdoor sculptures will be shown at E1027 the home designed by Eileen Grey in Cap Martin, France.
Her work can be seen in several public locations in London, Cardiff, Newcastle, Bristol, Wolverhampton, Southampton, Milton Keynes, Dublin, Belfast, Dundalk, Mallow and Cork. Other privately commissioned works can be seen at Lismore Castle in Ireland, Cass Sculpture Foundation, Chatsworth, Antony House in England and private gardens in France and Spain.
Eilis O'Connell is a founder director of the National Sculpture Factory in Cork, a former member of the Arts Council of Ireland, a member of Aosdána, and a member of the R.H.A and lives and works near Cork, Ireland.