William Tucker RA British, b. 1935
47 1/8 x 42 1/4 x 2 in
Executed in charcoal, a material which allows the most delicate shades of grey as well as velvety blacks, bodies appear in the drawings which seem to be modelled out of lines and surfaces. The paper used for the charcoal drawings is treated by the artist with the same sensibility as the surfaces of his sculptures; the charcoal assumes a resolute presence somewhere between the rough paper’s flatness and depth. “Sculpture is the language of the physical.” William Tucker remarked once. This observation can also be understood in the light of the drawings: a powerful physicality rings loud and clear from Tucker’s drawings.
From the artist.
Tucker: Mass & Figure, Bilbao, 2015.
Masterpiece Art fair, London 2019.
Tucker: Mass & Figure, Bilbao, 2015
Tucker: Mass & Figure, Bilbao, 2015