Heather Jansch British, 1948-2021

I have made a lot of small, very complex horses using copper combined with driftwood. I love the way that copper changes colour and becomes malleable when heated with a blowtorch. I am always hugely enthused by my most recent works and often think them the best things that I have ever done. This enthusiam for the latest piece is a vital part of the creative process. Another vital part is the habit of putting things to one side and not looking at then for a while so that when I next see them it is with fresh eyes. - Heather Jansch

Heather Jansch is now considered one of the UK's finest and most innovative equine artists. Her fascination with horses began at an early age, and she went on to develop a celebrated painting practice before moving towards her passion for creating horses in the third dimension. Jansch pioneered the use of driftwood to transform discarded natural materials into powerful equine forms, later perfecting their translation into bronze to create enduring sculptures.