Maja Quille

Maja Quille is a multidisciplinary practice spans sculpture, printmaking, and drawing, with a focus on reinterpreting overlooked and undervalued materials. Her work explores themes of domesticity, waste, and the cultural, historical, and political contexts that shape objects and materials. Recent projects highlight the Anthropocene, environmental relationships, and universal patterns across cultures and disciplines.


She has collaborated extensively with scientists and researchers, including physicists from CERN, geoarchaeologists from the Museum of London Archaeology, and soil scientists from Cranfield University, blending art and science to uncover new perspectives. Her works have been exhibited internationally at venues such as the Saatchi Gallery (London), Royal Scottish Academy (Edinburgh), and State Museum for Urban Sculpture (St Petersburg). Public commissions include permanent installations in Edinburgh, Aberdeen, and Musselburgh.


Currently based in London, the artist recently received an Arts Council England grant for a project utilising urban clay from an archaeological excavation in central London and is undertaking a creative residency exploring geological bore-hole samples beneath the city. Originally from Copenhagen, Denmark, her practice continues to push the boundaries of interdisciplinary collaboration and material innovation.