Angela Palmer British, b. 1957
24 3/4 x 26 1/4 x 4 1/4 in
Angela Palmer said of the exhibition : “When I began this project I had no idea that our country originated near the South Pole, and that for billions of years Scotland and Northern Ireland enjoyed an entirely separate existence on a different continent to England and Wales. It was only when the tectonic plates shifted that they collided and were physically united, just south of the Equator,
425m years ago.”
The artist continues, "England and Scotland were ‘stitched’ together as a united country at roughly the same location as today’s Anglo-Scottish border. I hope observers will unlock their imaginations and allow themselves to be propelled to the South Pole where the most ancient of these rocks in this exhibition began their journey - a silent world with little oxygen, with no trees
nor fish nor birds nor beasts.”
'Written in Stone: Journey from the South Pole' is a series of works that Palmer hopes bring to life this extraordinary journey and the unfathomably vast period of time. In this piece, Palmer has carefully selected stones that express the geological energy of the land being formed keeping much of the raw surface as it is and only polishing subtle elements to highlight its beauty.